Dartmouth-Hitchcock Arts will host the final display of Shedding Light on the Working Forest. We will present 16 visual works with accompanying texts in gallery space on the level four from April 7 through the month of June. Their mission is to offer artwork on display for patients, visitors, staff, students and volunteers as a very important aspect of the healing environment of Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center. We are glad to support this mission, which in turn offers our work a 24/7 audience in New Hampshire, for the duration of the exhibition. We were thrilled with the reception this show received at Central Vermont Medical Center, where we witnessed staff and visitors enthusiastic delight in the exhibition. This convinced us of the value of this type of exhibition venue.
Please come to the opening reception for the exhibition at Dartmouth Hitchcock, on Thursday, April 27 from 5:00 - 6:30 PM. Verandah and I would be very happy to see you!